Sunday, January 14, 2007

Welcome to this space, where the world looks like it doesn't. This site is dedicated to those who want to see beyond what they think they do, as well as to those who wanted to see this happen. I apologise for the quality of the pictures, but if you feel strongly against such, then let me introduce you to my get-a-nice-camera fund...


It's amazing how as we progress through life, the things that used to make us anticipate and look forward to with all eagerness slowly cease to do the same magic that they used to. Familiarity need not breed contempt, but it sure does propagate dissastisfaction. Maybe the key to making the magic last is to constantly look forward to it, and to take it as it is - in its beauty. The more you analyse it and scrutinise it though, the more you reveal to yourself for the trick that it is. Why not beat dissastisfaction at its own game by scrutinising it, and realising that it's a trick in itself.

viewed from here,

1 comment:

berylimzz said...

am i d first to tag. =DD